Saturday, January 15, 2022

My life growing up with VCF Part Three.

 My Dad always knew that there was something wrong with me, he just wasn’t sure what. I wasn’t your average kid. I was very slow and very far behind. I lacked basic motor skills like walking and talking, sitting up and standing. I couldn’t sit up without assistance and I couldn’t stand unless I was grasping onto something like the edge of the coffee table. I didn’t learn how to talk until I was two years old. I could natter away for hours but only my family could understand me. From the very first moment that I was born, my dad had a gut feeling that something wasn’t right. My parents tried for years to figure out why I was so delayed because they wanted some answers. When I was five years old, I saw a bunch of doctors and specialists. They weren’t able to give my parents a proper diagnosis. In 1992, my parents took me to see a neurologist. She examined me and then referred me to a geneticist. She assumed that I had Velo Cardio Facial Syndrome. That very same year, my parents took me to Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto to get a bunch of tests. The geneticist told my parents that I had Velo Cardio Facial Syndrome. They were very relieved because they finally knew why I was slow for my age.

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My life growing up with VCF Part Three.

  My Dad always knew that there was something wrong with me, he just wasn’t sure what. I wasn’t your average kid. I was very slow and very f...